ICF and National Board Certified Holistic Life & Wellness Coach

Birth and Death

Birth and Death

Spring is a time of renewal. Rebirth.

But before birth, there must be death.   The story of Jesus rising from the dead is a beautiful example of this.

When considering this idea of “there must be death before birth” in the most obvious sense, you may be thinking that nothing has to die before a woman gives birth; this is the miracle of life.

However, a part of the woman must die.  She will never again be a single, childless person.  Her identity changes. She is now, and always will be, a mother.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, the part of me that longed to be a mother needed to die before I could move on with my life.  There was a lot of anger and sadness that surfaced as I watched this very slow death.

The grieving process can be a long one. When something or someone dies, we never truly forget what life was like with that thing, that dream, that person.

But death is so important to the birthing process.  Acknowledging and honoring what was before plowing ahead allows space to be created for new life.

I was listening to a podcast this morning that stated “A womb has to be empty for creation to begin.  If there’s already something in there, creation can’t happen.”

With that in mind:

What’s getting in your way of creating the life you want?

What needs to die before you begin?

To quote a favorite movie, “get busy living, or get busy dying”.

I recommend dying first – and honoring that death – to make room for all of the wonderful things you will create in your life.

Sandy Swanson is an ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC), a Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC), and a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC).  You can learn more about her here and more about what coaching is here.

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