ICF and National Board Certified Holistic Life & Wellness Coach

Category: Gluten

Herxing – what is it?

Herxing – what is it?

Herxing: Have you recently changed your diet and are feeling *worse*, not better? Your body is probably detoxing – also called “Herxing”, short for Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction.  This is also sometimes called a “healing crisis” or “die-off” (of parasites or bad bacteria from candida, SIBO, etc).…

ADHD and Gluten

ADHD and Gluten

I have a few friends who have kids with ADHD, so this study piqued my interested.  The study explores the correlation between zonulin and ADHD. Zonulin is a protein found in our guts that helps regulate “drawbridges” and “trap doors” found in the gut lining.…