ICF and National Board Certified Holistic Life & Wellness Coach

Resources, Books, Podcasts, Supplements, Groceries, etc.

Greetings all!  On this page, there are many links to resources that I have found super helpful in my healing journey.  It will grow as I have time to update, so be sure to check back in now and then.


How do I start the AIP?  My take on this commonly asked question.

What is functional medicine?  A comparison between conventional doctors and functional doctors.

What can I do for fatigue? A few things to consider.

What is coaching?  A brief primer on what a coach can do for you.


Phoenix Helix Podcast. This is a GREAT resource if you are new to autoimmune issues.  Start with #1, where Eileen Laird speaks of her own healing journey and interviews four other people with AI disorders, and go from there.  Eileen is a terrific interviewer and always speaks “to the people”, so to say.  Very down to earth and easy conversations to listen to.  When I was at my brain fogged worst, these podcasts were comfort food for my ears.

Chris Kresser – Revolution Health Radio. Need I say more?  Ok, I will.  Chris’ first website blog was called “The Healthy Skeptic”, and for good reason.  He takes the science and looks at it deeply before presenting it to you, the reader.  Same with his podcast.  Sometimes he answers listener’s questions, sometimes he interviews others in the functional health and paleo fields.  Things do get a big technical and science-y at times, so if you’re in the mood to deep dive and learn a lot about a variety of subjects, this is the place.

Wise Traditions Podcast. From the description:  this podcast “embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today”.  Lots of interesting info and the latest research/science behind different types of diets, foods, weight and other health issues, toxins, and more.

Tim Ferris Podcast.  Don’t be fooled, it’s not some “business podcast” – it’s more about habits, behavior change, all that good stuff. Tim’s own description here:  “Each episode, I deconstruct world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, sports, business, art, etc.) to extract the tactics, tools, and routines you can use.  This includes favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, time-management tricks, and much more.”

Ten Percent Happier.  If you are curious about meditation, this is for you.  There are interviews and there are stand-alone guided meditations.  Lots more on his YouTube page as well.


The Gut Is Not Like Las Vegas.  Dr. Alessio Fasano tells all in his entertaining lecture on what gluten does in our bodies.  If you like cute Italians and want to learn about the science behind the gluten-gut connection, this is worth the watch.

Another explanation of what gluten does in our bodies. Dr. Tom O’Bryan has some great analogies describing what happens when we eat gluten.

Which thyroid hormone is the best one? Dr. David Clark answers that age-old question:  is synthetic or natural hormone replacement best?  Spoiler alert:  …..meh, just watch the video. 😉


Below you’ll find all of my affiliate and referral links for products I love and use myself. Affiliate/referral means that when you click on a link from this page you will pay exactly the same as you would if you went directly to that site, but I will get a small percentage of the sale if you choose to buy that product.  So, as an Associate from Amazon and other online stores/businesses, I earn from qualifying purchases from those sites.  This money goes to support this website (hosting and other incidentals that make this site GO). It’s not a lot, but every little bit helps – so I really appreciate the support.


Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal? This was the first thyroid book I read.  Dr Datis Kharrazian is a wealth of information on gut issues, thyroid issues, and in this book he lays it all out for you in a very easy to read format.  Cannot recommend this book enough for the person who is newly diagnosed with thyroid issues and perhaps a bit confused with all the information that is out there.  Start here.  Trust me.

Paleo Cure. If you are unsure about diet and how it can help, read this book NOW.

Omnivore’s Dilemma. A classic.  Need I say more?

Big Fat Surprise.  A great read about the misinformation that’s been plaguing our country for over 50 years surrounding fat.  Spoiler alert:  Animal fat and saturated fat are good for you (within reason, like anything, of course).

Unconventional Medicine.  Chris Kresser’s take on the medical establishment and what’s going to happen if we continue down this road… and an alternative.  There’s hope.  There’s always hope.

Choosing Peace.  A short, easy book about NVC (Non-Violent Communication).  I recommend this book to anyone having issues communicating with a loved one or co-worker.

Adrenal Fatigue and the 21st Century Stress Syndrome.  A great overview of our adrenals, cortisol issues, and how hormones work together.

Eating on the Wild Side.  Really cool look at how fruits and veggies changed over the years (e.g. fruits made sweeter to tempt us to buy more), with lots of suggestions for what to buy in terms of nutrient density.  All apples are not created equal!

Atomic Habits.  An excellent, easy read about behavior change and creating lasting habits.

Anatomy of the Spirit. Dives into how stress and beliefs can affect our physical health.

The Body Keeps The Score. More on how trauma affects our health.

Pantry Items, Imperfect Produce (grocery delivery service).

Imperfect Produce is just that:  less-than-perfect produce delivered to your door. They have organic, non-organic, and also quite a few paleo/AIP pantry items all up for grabs.  The pantry items are usually close to a “sell by” date or packaging is changing etc; the produce for me has usually been “surplus” or “too small to sell”.  Definitely not “imperfect” by any means, this is good stuff. They currently only deliver to select cities in the NE, NW, upper Midwest, and Texas (sorry Colorado and Florida friends!), but they are always adding new cities. I get a box every other week;  it’s a great way to try new veggies and fruits!

Imperfect Produce

AIP Pantry Items:

Carob Powder (chocolate substitute if on AIP)

Great Lakes Gelatin (Green Can)

Tiger Nuts (not really a nut! Great AIP snack)

Tiger Nut Flour

Cassava Flour


As always, TEST DON’T GUESS before supplementing.  Most of these supplements are products I have tried and can say that I would recommend them to my best friend without hesitation.  PLEASE NOTE:  I would, of course, only recommend if said best friend actually *needed* that supplement. Test, don’t guess, people. There is no magic pill here.  Test and supplement accordingly.

Acerola (Vitamin C) Powder

Adrenal Cortex – Thorne

Basic B – Thorne (B Complex)

Berberine – Integrative Therapeutics


Black Seed Oil

CoQ10- Jarrow

DHEA 25 – Integrative Therapeutics

Vitamin E – KAL

Inositol – Jarrow

Magnesium Glycinate – KAL

Magnesium Malate- KAL

Mag Threonate – Jarrow Mag-Mind

Saccharomyces Boulardii – Jarrow(probiotic)

Selenium – Thorne (again: please TEST before supplementing with ANYTHING. Selenium, in particular, is quite easy to hit toxic levels relatively quickly.  Do not take if you do not need. Test, don’t guess.  Cannot stress this enough.)

Random Products.

Alaffia Black Soap (shampoo, body/face soap)

Blue Blockers (amber-colored glasses)

Jojoba Oil (I use this as a face moisturizer)

Primal Pit Paste (aluminum-free deodorant)