ICF and National Board Certified Holistic Life & Wellness Coach

Artificial Sweeteners – Are They Any Better Than Sugar?

Artificial Sweeteners – Are They Any Better Than Sugar?

Do you have that friend (or “friend”… ahem) who always orders a Diet Coke instead of the real deal?  Perhaps they think they are doing their body a favor by avoiding real sugar and opting for artificial sweeteners.  Not that “The Real Thing” is that much better than the Diet version, mind you…

Case Study:  Artificial Sweeteners and Hashimoto’s.

An interesting case study came out last fall regarding artificial sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, etc).  The study followed a woman who was consuming a “high dose of artificial sweeteners”.  She was then diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid disease).

Her TSH levels were 12.2 (normal range is .3 to 5 or thereabouts.  Keep in mind that every lab may have slightly different ranges). She also showed a weight gain of 20 pounds since starting the use of these sweeteners.

After she stopped the sweeteners, her TSH dropped and “she recovered completely”.  Study linked below for those curious.

Artificial Sweeteners and Gut Health.

There are other studies out there that show that these artificial sweeteners mess with our health.  Gut health, in particular, can be compromised.  If our gut health is out of balance (the bad bacteria overpower the good guys, for example), this can start a cascade of events that lead to health issues and chronic illness… like autoimmune disease.

One study, in particular, shows that, in rats, sucralose can alter the composition of gut microbes.  It showed that sucralose can reduce beneficial bacteria.  It can also alter glucose and insulin levels.

For those of us with reduced gut motility (think constipation, not having a bowel movement every day), this is not good!  If things aren’t moving, the bad guys (not to mention waste products) can take over and push things really out of balance (candida or parasite overgrowth, SIBO, etc).


And then there’s stevia. The Paleo Mom has a great article covering the basics of what stevia is and what it can do to our bodies.  Spoiler alert:  It can inhibit healthy probiotic growth and can affect our hormones for starters.  Check out her article for details.

If you are following the AIP, eliminate stevia in the first elimination phase of the diet.

That said, another study suggests that stevia may be useful for those with Lyme disease, as it it may significantly reduce the parasite that causes Lyme.  Definitely work with your doctor on this one.  If your doctor is not up on the latest, it may be time to look for a new one. This study on stevia is also linked below for those curious.

What About Natural Sugar?

Keep in mind that sugar is still sugar, even from natural sources like honey and maple syrup and can still feed disease if eaten in excess.  Honey is also a high FODMAP food and this should be considered if one is on a low-FODMAP diet.


Autoimmune Thyroiditis with Hypothyroidism Induced by Sugar Substitutes 

Sucralose, A Synthetic Organochlorine Sweetener: Overview of Biological Issues

Does the Gut Microbiota Trigger Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis?

Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana Whole Leaf Extract Against the Various Morphological Forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi in Vitro


Too much information?  Feeling confused? A coach can help. Learn more about working with me one-on-one.

Artificial Sweeteners - Are They Any Better Than Sugar? A few studies to check out on the subject. AutoImmuneNutritionCoach

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